The Basics of Online Poker

Poker remains as the most popular casino game today and whilst there are many theories surrounding its evolution it certainly ranks as one of the best games in the world. For instance, the Indians lay claim to its origins with the argument that the Indian card game ganija, consisting of 96 cards printed with various designs that were used in betting. The Chinese, on the other hand, argue that the games evolved in 900 A.D. and that poker originates from domino. The French, Persians, British and Egyptians have their own claim to poker, all with different sets of theories. According to The Rules of Poker it seems that tournament poker was started in the 17th Century when the French colonials visited Canada with their version called Poque. This in turn spread into the US around the year 1829, and the five-card draw was the first game to emerge with the seven card stud emerging during World War Two. The rules and objectives of online video poker are quite simple A dealer button rotates clockwise amongst the poker players. The dealer button ensures the order of betting and that all players post blinds (forced bets). Players to the left of the dealer button are the first bettors and after several rounds of betting, the player with the best five card hand is the winner. There are quite a few versions of poker, one of them being the popular game Texas Hold’em which uses a pack of community cards and hole cards or cards that are only known to the player. The seven-card stud is another variant of poker and is similar to Texas Hold’em using hole cards where the objective is to get the best five card hand. The five=card draw and the 2-7 triple draw are the other variants.